丝袜 小说 探讨:致命病菌或使香蕉死灭
丝袜 小说
The most popular fruit in the world - bananas - may be about to be wiped out by an invisible killer bug. 一种无形的致死性病菌约略立地就要把香蕉——这种天下上最受接待的生果——“片瓦不留”了。
Panama Disease – which has already destroyed the most popular variety of banana – is back and its spreading like wildfire across global crops. 巴拿马病(香蕉黄叶病)也曾让东谈主们最意思的香蕉品种散失不见了,当今又卷土重来,以野火般的势头席卷民众的香蕉作物。
The problem is, bananas are seedless and are essentially all cloned from exactly the same plant – making them extremely vulnerable to disease. 问题的要津在于香蕉莫得果籽,基本上皆是从兼并植株克隆而来,因此对疾病的屈膝力极低。
A new study has warned the much-loved yellow fruit will be wiped out if we don't take action NOW. 一项最新的探讨警告称,若是东谈主类不“坐窝”罗致步履,这种广受接待的黄色生果将会恒久散失。
The Gros Michel banana was once the most popular variety in the world – until it was completely killed off by Panama Disease in the 1950s. “大麦克香蕉”也曾是天下上最受接待的香蕉品种丝袜 小说,但于上世纪50年代被巴拿马病死灭了。
The Cavendish banana – from the UK – stepped in to replace the Gros Michel and now makes up 95% of all banana exports in the world. 源自英国的“卡文迪什香蕉”因此取代大麦克香蕉成为最受接待的品种,目下占天下香蕉出口总量的95%。
But Panama Disease – which is transmitted through soil and water and attacks the banana plant's roots – can lay dormant, waiting to strike, for up to 30 years. 然则,这种能通过水和泥土传播、直击香蕉根系的巴拿马病,亚洲欧美日韩可遮拦高达30年之久,俟机再现。
And now it's back with a new global epidemic. 当今它确实卷土重来,激发了又一场民众香蕉病变。
The deadly fungal pathogen is resistant to fungicide and cannot be controlled chemically. 杀菌剂对这种致命性真菌病原体无效,化学本领皆岂论用。
It has completely wiped out Cavendish banana crops in Taiwan and is now spreading through the Chinese mainland, Indonesia and Malaysia, decimating crops. 它使台湾地区的卡文迪什香蕉沿途坏死,当今正在中国大陆、印度尼西亚和马来西亚等地扩张,鼎力根除香蕉作物。
国产福利小视频合集在线看The bug has "significantly" reduced the banana industry in Australia – which previously lost its bananas to disease in the 19th century – and threatens the entire export trade in the Philippines. 巴拿马病已使澳大利亚的香蕉产业大幅缩水,当今又挟制到了菲律宾的香蕉出口。早在19世纪时,澳大利亚香蕉产业就曾毁于此病菌之手。
Since 2013 it has been reported as far and wide as Jordan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Mozambique and Oman. 2013年以来,约旦、巴基斯坦、黎巴嫩、莫桑比克和阿曼等地也皆发现了巴拿马病的痕迹,可见其影响的远度和广度。
Vocabulary fungicide:杀真菌剂 decimate:宽阔根除
英文开端:探索频谈 译者:许楠楠 审校&裁剪:杜娟丝袜 小说